Fighting Violence and Harm Reduction: Political Women's Bodies in The University Festivities
Community-Institutional Relations, Harm Reduction, Gender-based violence, Human RightsAbstract
This article aimed to discuss the theme of violence against women in university festivities, based on the actions of an extension project. Undergraduate women from a state university and other people of the university festivities participated in the study. The theoretical-methodological perspective was based on the articulation among the Human Rights, Harm Reduction and gender studies perspectives. The methodology was organized from the training of the team; dissemination of the project; formation of groups with students who attended the parties; interventions at university parties. The results point to the sensitization of the actors in the academic community concerning the ethical-political commitment on the matter of violence against women in the scope of university festivities, provided the reflection of the students on the issue of the rights and autonomy of women’s bodies in the university, as well as the creation of collective prevention strategies.
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