Experience of Mothers After Prenatal Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate
cleft palate, prenatal diagnosis, maternal behavior, health personnelAbstract
The study aimed to know the experience of mothers from the prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate to the birth of their children. Based on a qualitative approach, we interviewed nine mothers of babies diagnosed with cleft lip and palate when undergoing ultrasound as part of routine examinations to monitor fetal development. We analyzed the data according to Content Analysis, which allowed the identification of four thematic axes: receiving the diagnosis, prenatal experience, experience in motherhood, and the importance of prenatal diagnosis. It was possible to identify the fundamental role of health professionals in the most impacting contingencies: time of diagnosis, prenatal consultations, search for a specialized center, and maternity. Mothers revealed that intrauterine diagnosis was important and that professionals' behaviors are crucial in this trajectory to ensure access to the benefits of early discovery.
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