Private Biobanks, Biotechnologies and the Promises of Biological Security
risk management, prevention, stem cells, health education, cryopreservationAbstract
This article aims to understand how adherence to biotechnology of stem cell storage of umbilical cord for autologous use produces the adoption of practices, in the present, that aim to prevent risks in the name of biological security in the future. Method: The empirical material consisted of testimonies extracted from private biobank sites accredited by ANVISA, analyzed from the analysis of the discourse. Results: the websites' publications encourage the consumption of the storage of umbilical cord stem cells, in the name of obtaining biological security for the future. Discussions: This search is populated by risk speeches that offer “guarantees” related to somatic futures, associated with educational practices that produce ways of taking care of children. Conclusion: Such speeches produce meanings about issues involving biological safety and risks, enrolling fathers and mothers in practices of hyperprevention in health.
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