Stereotypical images of family and couple in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
stereotypes, gender, violence against women, netnographyAbstract
The sanitary distancing imposed by the covid-19 pandemic has had repercussions in many contexts, including family relationships, whose routines were suddenly and abruptly transformed. In a matter of a few weeks, the domestic space had to be adapted to meet professional, school, and leisure demands. This study aimed to analyze stereotypical categories of family and couple in the context of the pandemic present in humorous images broadcast by social networks. The results of content analysis in this netnographic-inspired research indicate the perception of imprisonment, with the woman being seen as a jailer and the husband oscillating between a passive or rebellious victim, which naturalizes situations of aggression, an intensified situation when there are children. There is a perpetuation of injustice concerning the image of women, traditionally more burdened by family activities and seen as a villain in marriage.
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