Experiences of Mothers of Children With Cancer: a Qualitative Study
experiences of mothers, children with cancer, oncological treatment for childrenAbstract
The children’s cancer diagnosis is an extremely difficult and impactful event that causes emotional and physical consequences, especially for mothers. This qualitative research aimed to investigate the experiences of mothers of children who are in oncological treatment. Participants were 10 mothers of children on cancer treatment and attending a support house located in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul. The interviews were analyzed through the content analysis of Bardin. The results showed that the diagnosis causes great impact and a sense of powerlessness related with the disease, generating feelings of sadness, fear, and insecurity. Mothers have changed their routine due to the care of their children and the support house has played a fundamental role in the reception and support. Individual counseling and psychological group support is suggested to help mothers in order to assist them in this delicate and painful period in their lives.
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