The Immaterial Work of Municipal Guards: A Psychosocial Analysis
municipal guard, public security, suffering, violence, subjectivityAbstract
This research addressed the psychic and social suffering of municipal guards in the daily exercise of their activities with the conceptual support of the Psychodynamics of Work. Its objective was to analyze the transformations resulting from the technological development of public safety devices and their effects on workers’ mental health in this field. The methodological strategy used was qualitative, through semi-structured interviews conducted with the Municipal Guard that operates in a city located in the interior of the state of Paraná, Brazil. The analysis of the results shows the gap between the prescribed work and the actual work, as well as the lack of institutional and social recognition that tends to make the work painful and meaningless. In conclusion, it is highlighted that given the impossibility of transforming suffering into pleasure, several symptoms emerge in the form of work accidents, physical illness, and psychic suffering.
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