The Emergence of the Psychosocial Perspective to Think about Cis-Heteronormativity in the Men's Identities
men, identity, masculinity, gender norms, social psychologyAbstract
People are the result of the interlocution of biopsychosocial processes and based on group relationships. Therefore, in a dialogical process between the self and the other, the social component and the perspective of peers are fundamental to building identity. We carried out a historiographical review of theories in Social Psychology based on two manuals with the aim of substantiating the view of the psychosocial subject based on theories presented in these manuals; recognize the field that proposes identity as a product of the subject's negotiation with the environment; and thematize the debate by pointing out cis-heteronormative structures that permeate socialization and impact ways of identifying. We thus observe that the conceptualizations of identity are based on a trajectory that recognizes the interaction between biological and social aspects; and as social beings, our relationships and what we learn are based on culturally shared structures and discourses, impacting ways of interacting and perceiving ourselves in the world. We conclude that immersion in culture and the construction of identity are permeated by structures and discourses, such as those that guide cis-heteronormativity. Identifying these shares allows us to recognize hierarchies and subvert identities based on stereotypical notions of gender, inventing freer ways of existing.
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