The Health Impacts of the Pandemic on Hospital Professionals
Hospital professionals, COVID-19, Occupational Psychology, worker's of healthAbstract
This experience report presents an evaluation of the psychic processes that occurred due to the impacts of the pandemic of COVID-19 in workers of a hospital. The objective was to evaluate how the pandemic impacted the labor and personal context of the hospital workers from the actions of a curricular internship in Psychology. For the evaluation of demands, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the online Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 21) were used. After the analysis of the demands, a podcast was executed, with the purpose of briefly discussing mental health and the organizational context, focusing on awareness and psychoeducation strategies for occupational health. It was concluded that the professionals were impacted by the pandemic, presenting fear and insecurity about the future, besides not having adhered to the podcast proposal as in the evaluation, which may have worsened due to internal changes in the organization.
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