Dating Violence Among Adolescents: Intergenerational Transmission and Gender
violence, dating, adolescenceAbstract
Dating violence in adolescence is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, considered a social and public health problem. It was aimed to investigate aspects of intergenerational transmission of violence and gender crossings in dating relationships among teenagers. Qualitative research, carried out with six female (3) and male (3) teenagers aged between 16 and 18 years. As instruments and techniques, the following were used: 1) Biosociodemographic questionnaire; 2) Questionnaire “Getting to know dating relationships”; 3) Semi-structured interview carried out in two meetings with each teenager. In the analysis maintenance, transformation and change processes linked to the repetition of violent behaviors experienced in the family are discussed, in a systemic perspective. In the results, different expressions of dating violence were observed: psychological and digital. Further research is suggested, including three generations of the family, in addition to interventional actions that provide a resignification of the phenomenon.
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