Basic Sanitation in Favor of Humans? Health Psychology under the “Ontological Turn”
Health Psychology, ontological turn, Public Policies in Basic SanitationAbstract
The Health Psychology under “ontological turn” is what we propose here. Based on a case study, more precisely on the affective alliances broken in public sanitation policies in the interior of Bahia, Brazil, we will seek to instigate the imagination of health psychologists towards a new psychology of health. Concepts such as “human development”, “human social progress”, “health for all”, “quality of life” and “human well-being”, which define the basic sanitation public policies, will be reviewed in their anthropocentric aspect. The intention is to outline another guideline for the field of Psychology and Health. As a methodological approach, we conducted exploratory research with 8 (eight) interviewees, 5 (five) managers, and 3 (three) operators, all residents of the area, and inserted into a basic sanitation program, in a municipality in the southwest of Bahia. The interviews took place on March 30, 2023. Therefore, we will start from a criticism centered on the well-being of the citizen to the detriment of the physical/ecological/cosmological environment. Thus, we evaluated ourselves the need for a radical alterity between humans, and non-humans and that reverberates in social ties and natural (psychoaffective) contracts in the inflection of projects, products, and new guidelines based on this new sensitivity/sociability.
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