Chronic Pain, Depression, General Health and Social Support in Fibromyalgic and Oncological Patients
quality of life, pain, fibromyalgia, cancerAbstract
The objective of the study was to verify the association between depressive symptomatology and general health, chronic pain, and social support perception in 80 women, aged between 31 and 82 years (M = 53.86, SD = 12.68), with fibromyalgia and/or cancer. Among the main results, it was verified that the depressive symptomatology and the other investigated constructs were associated with each other. Patients with depressive symptomatology presented more pain points and greater frequency and intensity of pain, showing a weak and positive magnitude correlation (r = 0.37). There was also a weak magnitude correlation (r = -0.20) between EBADEP-HOSP-AMB and EPSUS, indicating that the more depressive symptoms, the lower the perceived social support. Finally, the results of the study showed that the level of pain directly interferes with the quality of life of the subject and can be a factor that stimulates the development of psychosocial conditions, such as depression and lower perception of social support.
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