Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The text follows the patterns and requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, on the section About the Journal.
- The contribution is original and unheard of, and is not being evaluated for publishing by other journal.
- The file of the submission is in Microsoft Word (.DOC) format.
- URLs for the references were informed, when possible.
- The text is in APA format, 7th edition.
- In case of submission to a section with evaluation by pairs, the available instructions in Appreciation by the Editorial Board were read and followed.
- The work fits in one of the Types of Contribution published by Journal Psychology and Health.
The authorship and institutional data were omitted from the original submitted.
- The author has the intellectual property of images, that are in good quality (at least 300 dpi) and available to be send as a supplementary document in submission, in JPG, WMF, TIFF or EPS formats.
- The author has forwarded the Approval by the Ethics Committee in Research- National Council of Health, in case this was necessary, along with the manuscript.
- All the authors of the article are registered on the Journal’s portal and have filled out all the fields (first name, middle name, last name, institution of affiliation, e-mail and biography abstract).
- The references must present only authors quoted on the text.
Dossiê: Psicanálise e Saúde
O número temático “Psicanálise e Saúde” tem o objetivo de reunir contribuições inéditas de investigadores cujos temas de pesquisa abarquem discussões sobre a Psicanálise em interface com a saúde, promovendo o incremento da área. Este número especial está aberto a estudos que contemplem diversos campos, tais como clínica psicanalítica na saúde pública e saúde coletiva, políticas públicas, atuação em serviços e instituições de saúde mental, saúde do trabalhador, prevenção e promoção da saúde na perspectiva psicanalítica, abordagens com perspectiva de gênero no entrecruzamento entre psicanálise e saúde, psicanálise nas abordagens de emergência ou urgência subjetiva nas práticas hospitalares e em outras instituições de saúde. Trabalhos interdisciplinares com outras disciplinas da saúde, como os relacionados à neurologia, à psiquiatria, à psico-oncologia, dentre outros. De igual modo, também se recebem artigos que abordem, pelo viés psicanalítico, questões sobre a atuação e a formação crítica na saúde e o ensino da psicanálise nos espaços de formação de saúde, como nos cursos de Psicologia.
Copyright Notice
The articles published on journal Psicologia e Saúde holds the copyrights of all texts published by it. Due to that, there is a demand for a letter of copyright cession (see Appreciation). The full reproduction of any article of this Journal in other publications, by any means, requires a written authorization of the Editorial Board. Partial reproductions of articles (abstracts, more than 500 words of text, tables, pictures and other illustrations, sound files) should have the written permission of the Editorial Board and the Authors.
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