Meanings Attributed to Sexual Satisfaction for Female sex Workers
Female sex workers, Sexuality, Sexual health, Subjectivity, PhenomenologyAbstract
The objective was to understand the meanings attributed to sexual satisfaction by women who experience sex work. Qualitative study, based on the phenomenological approaches of Sartre and Heidegger, with 30 sex workers from the Alto Sertão Produtivo Baiano region. It was evident that women have their senses about sexual satisfaction structured in the financial dimension in interface with self-esteem and the sexual act, explained from the experiences learned, while they are inserted in the sexual service. These senses reveal that pleasure in connection with money is survival and subsistence. The orgasm itself refers to the self-esteem and emotions felt by those who have affection. These nuances show that sexual service is more than just a job, the context that allows them to be in a space with possibilities for multifaceted experiences, such as sexual freedom, in a temporality that is a reflection of subjectivities that go beyond natural determinism.
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