Impacts of Bullying on Self-Esteem and Self-Image
bullying, physical appearance, self-esteem, self-image, genderAbstract
Physical appearance is one of the main aspects related to the experience of bullying, a violence that can affect the self-esteem of those involved. In order to investigate the occurrence of bullying motivated by physical appearance during adolescence and its impacts on the well-being of students through the levels of self-image and self-esteem, 107 college students retrospectively responded to a questionnaire. Of the totality of participants, 66.4% reported having suffered victimization, with emphasis on verbal, relational, and sexual violence. Factors such as weight, body shape, and hair were the most reported aspects of physical appearance related to the occurrence of violence, and 35.1% of the women indicated their gender. Participants obtained a high average for self-image and low for self-esteem, and those who were bullied had statistically lower scores than those who did not. Gender-sensitive bullying prevention interventions are needed.
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