Professional and Maternal Perspectives in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Paradigms and Mental Health Care
family relationships, professional-family relationships, Autism Spectrum DisorderAbstract
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, with some approaches focusing on rehabilitation while others emphasize mental health support and psychosocial care. This article aims to understand the perceptions of autism Spectrum Disorder and family relationships of children with the disorder, within the frameworks of psychiatric and psychosocial paradigms, from the perspective of healthcare professionals and mothers. Method: Participants were associated with the Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center in Campo Grande, MS, including four healthcare professionals and three mothers. A qualitative approach with a descriptive and cross-sectional focus was employed. A questionnaire was administered to the healthcare team, and interviews were conducted with the mothers. Results: The results, analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis, revealed perspectives on the challenges posed by the disorder, influenced by challenging behaviors such as nervous breakdowns, feeding difficulties, and sleep disturbances in children. Simultaneously, viewpoints emerged that highlighted the potential strengths of the disorder, particularly in emotional relationships and personal transformations. Discussions and Final Considerations: Stresses the need to promote transdisciplinary articulations in the instrumentalization of health services in order to privilege the potential of the child on the autism spectrum, overcome prejudices and contribute to holistic practices.
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